Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Google Power

We have all heard of the saying, "nothing is free in life." There's always a catch to the word FREE. From a consumers standpoint, almost everything from Google seems to be superior and without a charge. Most of us use free Google applications everyday from: g-mail to earth to search to news.

Eventually you won't need to install programs on your computer. All the programs will be written in script, so you can just pull up the applications you need through the web. Now that is convenient! Just download and save the files you want. It looks like Google is on track to make this happen. They have their own internet browser (Chrome) and they are coming out with an operating system soon. Google Wave should out very shortly.

Every time you log-on to a website, there's a very big chance that they are tracking every move you make. Some have even reported that their g-mail accounts have been hacked by Google. They search key words in your mail and apply it to your advertisements. Other companies have also been keeping track of your buying habits and applying it to their up sale. Many e-commerce sites have added psychologist/marketers in their payroll to see what people want. It's a new way of business. Is it unethical? It's up to you to decide.

Google keeps all of our information in a data bank to increase their power. They are keeping tabs on all of this. Just imagine with all the information they collected, how powerful they are and can be. Eventually they will know more about you then your own friends.

The G is slowly wiping out the competition. They cannot always win (ie: Froogle), but will continue to grow. Corporate America is dominating and the monopoly continues.

Google = New Big Brother?

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